(+34) 629-947-701

Our business policy

You will probably encounter cheaper quotes on solar systems if you look around, but…..
The problem with bargains on solar systems is, that when the consequences show (meaning your batteries are dead after a few years) so is your guarantee. You are here to look for a reliable power supply for your home and family. Well, would you be willing to gamble on the reliability of your home power supply?
We do our utmost to keep our prices down, but we also design systems that last, and that does have a price.IMG_20131203_174049

That being said, the only maintenance cost you should encounter from us, is a few phone calls or an internet connection. Optionally, you could save up for your battery replacement in 21 years time, depending on your initial investment.

Getting to know the routines of a solar system is crucial and not that difficult. We’ll be there for you as long as you need support / tuition.

We have been monitoring the solar market for more than 18 years, and we know where to look for new products of interest to you as a solar user. Once we find a product, we install it in our own home. If the product checks out to our expectations, we publish it on our site.

We provide free support and advice on all our products, and we know what we are selling.


Online survey of your solar system

We can guide you remotely through a remedy without any extra costs. Our Outback Power systems can go online. That means we can access and reprogram your system, if you invite us to do so.

Our prices
You may certainly be able to save a few Euros by surfing the Internet for other vendors, but getting any real advice/support is very rare. The big Internet based companies, who are able to supply at lower prices, rarely have any idea about the practical use of the items they sell.
Being locally based here in Andalusia, we have already dealt with shipping costs, import duties and customs.

We want to stay small and vigilant
We are a family run company. Ultimately, the only one who pays for huge stock of goods, large headquarters, expensive advertising and flashy new company cars is you! We stay small, local and vigilant, striving to find the best products at the best price.

Our suppliers are some of the best on the market. We constantly search the Internet to find the best solar energy products available for our clients. We deliver total solar solutions, service and maintenance as well as supplies for reforms of existing systems.

Our latest projects

It has been a while since we published recent work. By now we are mostly installing 3 Kw and above. Here is a small photo collection of recent projects.

December 2017. 2.1Kw array 48V 600Ah 3Kw Outback system overlooking Sierra Nevada and Mulhacén


The reduction in panel prices has allowed most budgets to experience solar systems of near grid capacity. This has moved stand alone solar out of it’s 12V infancy with clumsy thick wiring and inefficient old regulators. These days you can easily compete with a grid connection in spite of the Spanish authorities dislike of the facts.

If you are grid connected call us for a talk. There exists ways to counter the clumsy regulations on the market.

Nov 17 same 2.1 array- 3Kw Inverter-charger setup in the Poqueira valley

New 2100W array overlooking the Contraviesa Dec 17

A Carport solution for solar panels.

4 x 260Wp panels for well pump in Cordoba June 2017




Cortijo in the Contraviesa region

The system, completed  in early January 2014, services a 3 bedroom Cortijo in 1.300 meters height. It consists of 9 x 190W poly panels, a 600Ah 48VDC Rolls Surette battery bank with an Outback 3KVA Inverter/charger  and an Outback FM60 MPPT regulator.

Off grid house on Mallorca

This system was designed to supply a newly renovated holiday home near Puerto Soller, Mallorca with the options of lights (LED of course), Internet connection, small power tools and a washing machine.

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How to make a solar powered wash? Please read the solar survival manual

Connect with us

Contact Solar Andalucia

feel free to contact us anytime

Tel: (+34) 6299 47701
Mob: (+34) 6183 08366
Email: info@solarandalucia.net